Welcome! What to Expect from Sidecar FastTrack.

Sidecar FastTrack Course Objectives

With Sidecar FastTrack you will:

  • Figure out which direction you're going with your leadership search.
  • Consider what contours will influence your search.
  • Remind yourself of your values, strengths and champions.
  • Update your resume to showcase your strengths and hireability.
  • Craft a standout cover letter and educational philosophy statement.
  • Draft STARies to illustrate your experience and abilities.
  • Create a LinkedIn profile to boost your visibility with recruiters.
  • Understand and activate the number one resource for pursuing leadership job opportunities.
  • Identify major recruiting firms and job listing sites for international school leadership postings, and what differentiates these.
  • Learn tips and tricks for approaching the leadership job search in ways that will maximize your chances for traction while minimizing the toll on your time and sanity.
  • Prepare for interviews with your ‘locus of control’ in mind.
  • Pick up new tips that will help you get through muddy patches.
  • Engage in ‘Turkish Delight’ thinking, a variation on scenario planning.

With Sidecar FastTrack you'll get on the fast track to your next leadership post, with guidance from an industry insider who's 'on your side!'

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