Sidecar Rally: Fall 2024

Sidecar Rally monthly meetups for adventurous women leaders in international schools (or transitioning to/from these schools), will resume for the Fall 2024 season.

As from the beginning, Sidecar Rally (a play on my metaphor of leading schools as akin to riding a motorcycle on a mountain road) is intended as a regular opportunity to convene with fellow women leaders (rallyers) in an atmosphere of confidentiality and collegiality. We discuss dilemmas you are facing as well as opportunities to bring your innate strengths and perspectives to your leadership practice. We brainstorm, vent, problem-solve, commiserate, celebrate successes, try on new ideas, and laugh!

Think of rallies as rest-stops, where you can pull off from the adventurous road that is international school leadership, catch your breath, let your guard down for a spell with fellow travelers, and re-fuel for the continued journey ahead.

Rallyers have reported that Sidecar Rally is especially beneficial as a chance to connect, share, listen, be heard, be affirmed, be provoked, be encouraged, gain insights, gain ideas, gain courage and gain a new support network over the course of the Rally season (and beyond!).

·       "I liked the big picture thinking because my daily grind as a principal is so stuck in the weeds."

·       "Just talking with women leaders about the things we face that we sometimes don't even realize."

·       "I appreciate the opportunity to connect deeply with other women and share vulnerably. This has been a safe space to do so."

·       "Listening to advice on specific situations from other leaders in very similar situations."

·       "I have really loved these sessions and getting to know the other women in the group. We lead in challenging times and getting support from other female leaders goes a long way."

While there is no formal curriculum for these meetups, I provide conversation starter prompts and general discussion themes centered around leading while female.

 Rally basics and details:

·      Rally timing/length: We’ll meet monthly for 4 months for 75 minutes per rally, starting in September.

·      Rally size: I’ll cap rallies at 7 participants (plus me!) so everyone gets air time.

·      Rally theme: I’ll introduce a theme at each rally, one that has application for both leadership and personal growth.

·      Pricing: $350 for a season of 4 rallies ($300 for self-payers). Priceless connections with other female leaders.

What rallies will look like:

·      Gathering and informal greeting time

·      Start, check-ins, and theme introduction

·      ‘Driver’s seat:’ Each rallyer has a few minutes to share something on her mind: A win, a wonder, a dilemma, a lesson learned, a realization, a ‘nugget from the road,’ a reflection on the rally theme, an update from a previous rally conversation.

·      Rally exchange: A facilitated exchange (tightly or loosely as the moment calls for) to follow up on the issues and themes raised in ‘Driver’s seat.’

·      Synthesis, announcements, wrap-up and send-off

Other features:

·      Follow-on: In instances where a rallyer brings up a discussion item that invites lengthier responses than the rally allows for, I’ll set up a Google doc for post-rally follow-on by me and other rallyers.

·      Rally report: I run several rally groups each month, each centered on the same theme, though often the conversations go in wildly different directions. I summarize key takeaways and collective wisdom from the rallies and send them out monthly to all rallyers, along with …

·      Additional resources that are inspired by the theme and ensuing conversations.

What makes these rallies work best:

·      Your full presence: Be fully there. That means: on time, unmuted, undistracted, in full listening and contributing mode, with us until the end of the meetup.

·      Your consistent participation: I get that ‘life happens,’ and events beyond your control mean you sometimes need to miss a meetup. Still, both you and your fellow rallyers will benefit most from consistent and active participation. Rally groups are kept deliberately small to facilitate camaraderie, meaningful exchange, and a support group; your consistent participation contributes mightily to that.

·      Your courage: Presence and participation are enhanced with your continued courage in expressing what’s on your mind and in your heart, (respectfully) serving as a contrarian voice when so moved, and venturing outside of your comfort zone, knowing this is a safe space for that.

What Rally-ers have to say about their experience

  "I liked the big picture thinking because my daily grind as a principal is so stuck in the weeds."

"Just talking with women leaders about the things we face that we sometimes don't even realize."

"I appreciate the opportunity to connect deeply with other women and share vulnerably. This has been a safe space to do so."

"Listening to advice on specific situations from other leaders in very similar situations."

"I have really loved these sessions and getting to know the other women in the group. We lead in challenging times and getting support from other female leaders goes a long way."

Pricing for Sidecar Rally